Leadership Ethics

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Leadership Ethics

[Name of the institute]Leadership Ethics

Memo for CEO

To: CEO and Executive Committee Subject: Alternative decisions regarding case of whistles

From: Elementary division manager Date: November 15, 2012

This memo presents few of the alternative decisions that can be made regarding the case of the whistles the product quality control report shows that there is some extent of lead in the whistles which can be harmful for the users.

Decision Alternatives

In case of these defected whistles, instead of sending the poor quality and harmful product in the market there are a number of alternative decisions that can be taken. The following are the three different decision alternatives that can be taken in this situation:

Calling back the product

Selling the product to another organization so that they can launch the same product with their brand name

Calling an external inspection team to confirm the presence of lead in whistles

Alternative Process

The decision making process that is used to select each alternative is the traditional method of decision making which comprises of six steps. These six steps can best be mentioned in a summarized way in the form of following figure.

According to this above model of decision making the first step that is taken is to identify the problem. In this scenario, the problem that is identified is the problem of defects in whistles. After that an analysis is done as to why and how this problem occurred. Once it is known that why this problem took place then it is the time to devise alternative solutions that can be taken to fix this problem. By taking into consideration the causes of the problem certain alternatives were designed. These various alternatives were selected on the basis of the advantages that they provide, the cost that it would take to implement these alternatives and the time it takes for the implementation of the alternatives.

In the above section, three different alternatives are listed down. In order to select these alternatives the process of evaluation of the advantages that each alternative can provide and the time it would take to implement each alternative is taken into consideration. The first alternative is quick in response and it is selected because it would aid in saving the reputation of the organization. This would give an impression to the organization's customers that the organization cares about its customers and the quality of the product that is why they are calling the product back. The second alternative is considered because of the financial benefit this action can provide. Calling back the product and then producing new products would be expensive so it's better to sell it to another organization by properly informing them the problems with the products. If organization sell the products to another organization without informing them then it would be unethical. So, it is imperative that each and everything should be informed to buyers and product should be sold on low price to another organization. The third alternative is selected to ensure the credibility of the internal department of quality ...
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