Leadership Communication

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Leadership Communication

Leadership Communication

Role of Technology on Organizational Communication

Technology has greatly influence the way of communication in different organization. The communication process has become fast due to the integration of technology. Now employees of an organization do not have to wait for weeks in order to get their applications processed of approved. The customer's services have also become good due to integration of technology. If we look at the usage of text messaging, email and IM's we can find it a quick solution to the delay in communication. Strengths of use of technology in organizational communication is that it saves time and Weakness is that due to use of technology the factor of emotion and sentiment have been eradicated from the communication.

Limitations in Communications Due To Technology Integration

If we look at the changes in the communication due to advancement in technology we will see that technology has facilitated the individuals and organizations at mass level. Though it has facilitated organization still there are some limitations which make communication incomplete. Previously organizations use to meet with their clients directly which not only help the organizations to understand what are the needs of customers but it also helped the organizations to understand the feelings of their customers which help them to make better quality products. Employees and Employer relationship has also affected a lot due to modern means of communication as now people hire employees through online tests and interview. This lack of face to face communication in future results in grievances between them, ambiguities and lack of motivation.

Communication of Culture by Organizations to External and Internal Publics

The advancement of technology has highly affected the organizations and their culture. I used to work in Talisman which is a Local IT company. The culture was communicated to its internal public by creating an informal environment. Talisman's office was colored with vibrant but light colors which show that they respect emotions. In addition to this the organization welcomes its new employees and all customers by giving them sweets which shows their friendly environment. The advertisements are also designed and produced in such a way that they depict livelier mode and joyful nature. In advertisement music, dance and fish philosophy can be seen.

Working in Team and the Experiences Gained

My experience of working in teams was fabulous. It added value to my knowledge and skills. I felt comfortable working in teams as the tasks are sub divided which help each member to concentrate on his part without any distraction. In order to make the working in team more successful one must design such teams which has people with diversified portfolio or diversified attitude. If all people will be having same mind and thinking they will become victim of boredom soon. There should be people who can cheer the other members when they are in stress and there should also be people who have creative thinking to cater the need of emergencies.

Communication of Mission and Vision Statement

Proper communication of Vision and Mission statement to the employees and to its ...
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