Leadership By Rudolph W. Giuliani

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Leadership by Rudolph W. Giuliani

Leadership by Rudolph W. Giuliani

New York's former mayor Rudolph Giuliani has given an account of his leadership practices in his book 'Leadership'. Until Sep 11 terrorist attacks that changed the ways planners, administrators and politicians used to think, Giuliani had been a very successful mayor (Polner 2005). Giuliani details the leadership skills that through a series of captivating stories, some of which are prescriptive and some of which are descriptive. The book could be rightly called as a biographical account of Giuliani as he presents his experiences of as a mayor, an attorney and a corporate lawyer. The major part of the book was written when Giuliani was still a mayor, exploring the various management dilemmas he saw and delivered with his skills. However, in the 16th chapter, he presents an account of how he directed the in the four months that followed the terrorist attacks.

As it is not a textbook sort, it does not explain one leadership trait after another. Rather it is a biography of the author with certain parts of life intentionally cut, such as those relating his personal life . Therefore, he points out the values he reflected in his administration under various capacities. He demonstrates how he learnt the values and principles of effectively leading teams and managing conflicts and troubling times.

According to Giuliani, leadership involves a great many responsibilities and a great many privileges. A leader is responsible for developing a suitable structure for the organization he is serving, developing and bonding teams, and taking the risks where they could be managed. Giuliani asserts that a leader is one who holds strong beliefs, and assumes responsibilities for the results of his decisions. However, these kind of leading qualities are more easily explained in other ...
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