Leadership Assignment

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Leadership Assignment

Leadership Assignment

Blog 1: Theories and Models of Leadership and Management

In today's dynamic environment, it is becoming increasingly important to create management teams in companies whose performance is incomparably greater than a single individual. It is also equally imperative for the organization and the manager to integrate the theories and models of leadership and management in different operations, in order to influence the members to achieve a common objective. A system of team management and Leadership starts from the premise that in a team, the result is greater than the sum of individual efforts. This quest for high performance teams in the organization must be achieved through a combination of a certain number of people with complementary skills, who are properly led to deliver to a common purpose. Research has consistently shown that diverse teams produce better results, provided they are well led. The ability to bring together people from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures, and generations and leverage all they have to offer, therefore, is a must-have for leaders (Ibarra and Hansen 2011: 71).

However, beyond this organizational support, another success factor in the staffing process is often touched and, in many cases, simply retracted: it is the openness to diversity. Although, it is imperative for the manager to choose the candidate who seems to have the best match with the job requirements, the manager must also transform the staffing process in a strategic move that will increase the diversity of talent within the team. Indeed, although a team comprising individuals with homogeneous profiles may seem more manageable in the short term, too much homogeneity might also have negative consequences, including disempowerment, lack of creativity, submission to a groupthink and maintaining the status quo (Yuhee, 2010, pp. 1931-1950).

In order to create a team consisting of diversified team members, the approach of management to facilitate the adjustment of new employees should be to make every effort to enable them to integrate quickly into the team. Another factor that facilitates the adaptation of employees is the quality of work environment, which must be stimulating, positive and friendly so that they enjoy their new surroundings. In terms of employees from cultural communities, the leader should also make sure, not to distinguish between different origins of the employees (Green, 2012, pp. 79-96).

The manager (leader) has a key role in the staffing process, and to reduce the subjectivity of this process and ensure its success, it is important not to let improvisation dictate the process and decision making. It is for this reason that most organizations invest time and energy to develop and establish policies, procedures and tools to provide their managers with guidance and support in this area. In a company or organization wishing to promote the implementation of high performance teams, one must encourage a cultural change and the other shall select and / or train leaders who are able to integrate the interest of its team members to extract maximum performance. Keeping in view the model and theories of leadership, ...
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