Leadership And The Graduate Nursing Role

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Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role

Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role


In today's world of fast paced education it is important to realize your leadership style especially for new graduates as they take their licensing exams within a few weeks of graduation and enter into the practical world as professional nurses straightaway. Even though this method of transition into reality has worked in the past, newly graduated nurses face numerous problems due to rapid evolution in science and technology.


Quiz Results

After taking the required quiz, it was revealed that I am predominantly a participative leader. This may be due to the fact that I believe in encouraging group discussions during problem solving and decision making processes. It enables me to take the best ideas from the respective members of the team and apply them successfully. This type of leadership style makes decision making more effective and allows one to make accurate decisions in all the necessary fields as one person cannot contain all required knowledge.

Required Leadership Attributes

A superior and effective nurse who wishes to lead a successful career should have some key attributes like the respect of his/her staff, work integrity, balance, and the ability to critically assess conflicts and crisis for immediate action.

Respect of Staff Any nurse who wishes to be an effective leader must have the utmost respect of her staff and colleagues. She should not disrespect or micro manage their every move thus eroding their confidence in her and themselves. An effective leader will allow his/her staff to work autonomy so as not to erode their trust (Barden, 2005).

Integrity Nurses need to be professional and especially not have double standards. She needs to set examples so others follow her standards without need for her reprimanding her subordinate. An effective leader can let their staff know without saying a word when they have let them down.

Balance Leaders need to be always organized and this holds especially true in the profession of nursing however an effective leader will also be creative and flexible with their staff members and allow flexibility with schedules.

Conflict and Crisis The nursing staff may need the leader to solve conflicts and to act as a mediator therefore she must not hide or shrug it away but provide a decision which will allow both parties to save face. The decision must not be too hasty nor take too long else the entire unit will suffer and ...
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