Leadership And Supervision In Early Care And Education

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Leadership and Supervision in Early Care and Education

Leadership and Supervision in Early Care and Education

ECE Educator

ECE educator is supposed to work with infants, toddlers and has to teach children who are in school age.

Minimum Education

The minimum education that is needed for this job is 1 year education (Post Secondary School


Looking at some of the general functions of Early Childhood educators, they are:

Development and implementation of programs that are designed keeping in mind the social , physical and intellectual needs of the children's.

They are also responsible for building the social and interpersonal skills of the child as well as increasing positive self concept. This can be done by making positive guidelines.

They are bound to establish good communication with the children and their respective families.

The basic idea behind such programs is to make sure that child has enough opportunities for developing their self independence.

Working Conditions

The working conditions for such programs vary from different institutes. When there are smaller programs that are approved in the family day homes, they might be serving children that are fewer than six in numbers. On the other hand, some of the larger programs might accommodate for just about 80 children's. Working hours might vary from program to program such as:

Most programs initiate from 6 or 7 am in the morning and they normally operate for 5 days a week.

There are part time programs as well as playschool programs that might be offered in the morning.

There are evening hours in some of the family support programs.

Early Child Educators are supposed to be really swift in their movement as they spend most of their time walking, bending and kneeling on the floor.

Personal Characteristics

For the promotion of positive attitude among children, they should be able to act as role models, and they should have some characteristics such as:

They should portray respectful image and language.

Their lifestyle must be really healthy as the job demands good physical condition.

Their communication ability must be top notch.

They must be consistent and they must pursue guidance strategies that are positive in their nature.

Their problem solving ability must be good and they should be able to work effectively and closely with children's and their parents.

They must keenly observe the behavior of their children and they must interpret the behavior of their child accordingly.

Their approach towards the work must be really nice and they must have this ability be methodical about their work. They must be able to claim responsibility for their work. Early Child Educators are employed in:

Child and Day Care Centers

Out of school care

Centre for Recreation

Women's Shelters

Early Intervention Programs


There is lot of variance in the wages and salaries of Early Child Educators and their income varies throughout the province. The size of the program usually dictates the income and other compensations that are bound to be received by them. The level of training of the educator as well as his experience also dictates the salary.

Leadership Qualities Needed for This Job

As it can be seen from ...