Leadership And Supervising Influence In Human Services

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Leadership and Supervising Influence in Human Services

Leadership and Supervising Influence in Human Services


Roles like supervisory and leadership are important in any organization, in order to attain the desired goals and objectives among the people working within the organization. One more purpose of this role is to make possible teams so that employees may work together in a human service environment (Jago, 1982).

Manager, Mediator, and Mentor

The three most important roles in leadership model are manager, mediator, and mentor. However a leader in order to work effectively needs to fulfill these three roles. As a manager the leader is responsible to work in these three positions in order to manage the daily operations, the position may include various activities which are budgeting of finances and payroll hours, purchasing of supplies and equipment, organizing or reorganizing of procedures, workflow, and programs, and other administrative duties of the position. However in the perspective of a mediator, a leader must possess skills to mediate among staff, and try to resolve the conflicts between the staff and the senior management. In the role of mentoring, a leader relates with the training process for the employees of an organization, in order to training them, and makes them prepare to accomplish certain task to strengthen the personal and professional growth of an individual. Successfully completing this role, may result in a promotion and growth of an employee into a management position within the organization (Lewis, et. al., 2007).

Supervisory process

There are various supervisory models, one of which is Shulman's model which articulate the necessary elements which are known as the phases of work. Supervisory process consist of three phases, the beginning phase is the process of classification where the role of the supervisor is being classified, along with the direction and facilitation of employees. The supervisor encourages the employees ...