Leadership And Planning Skills

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Leadership And Planning Skills

Leadership And Planning Skills


A leader is someone who guides and assists other or the team members in order to make them achieve the desired goals. To be a leader, a person requires a number of skills. These skills are related to the personality of the leader and the technical skills with which the common goals are achieved. A leader motivates the subordinates or the team members in order to make them achieve the desired goals.

The leaders have great importance and they play important roles in the achievements of the goals of the company. The leadership styles of the leader have great impact upon the workings and dedication of the employees towards their work and tasks. The leaders, to be efficient and effective are required to unite all the team members and subordinates towards one achievement and make them feel that all the members are equal and the achievement of goal will benefit all the members of the team. It is also by the managers that they should develop effective communication between themselves and their team members because the leaders who keep gap between themselves and the team members usually are inefficient and cannot achieve their desired goals and thus they cannot give profits to their companies.

An effective leader is considered the one who can motivate, lead and manage the people towards the goals and objectives that are chosen by the leaders. The other required quality of the person that makes the true leader is the ability of the person to make proper plans and decisions for the achievement of the desired goals. The ability to solve the problems and the ability to take adequate and appropriate corrective actions are all the abilities of the good leader. The leadership can be only having by the person who has the capability to move all the people together under him/her toward the goal and objectives.


The leadership is the part of the strategic management in any organization. In an organizational leadership, the leadership involves a number of things. Leaders play various roles in the organizations by adopting various leadership styles and by implementing their number of valuable skills. Leader are the ones who strives for creating the valuable organizational cultures, and strive the efforts for the achievement of the missions and the organizational goals of the organizations. There are two aspects of the leadership. The first aspect is that the leaders manage the perceptions of the employees and the subordinates by involving and showing them the processes of the planning for the attainment of the goals. The leaders encourages their team members and subordinates that the things will be get more good if all the people work together according to the plan. The leaders also encourage them that the planning not only benefits the few people or merely the leader of the team, however, the plans is devised for the best interest and for the betterment of all the team members.

The second aspect of the leadership involves that ...
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