Leadership And Participation Portfolio

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Leadership And Participation Portfolio

Leadership And Participation Portfolio

1A) what are the specific factors that I consider as essential for good leadership?

For an effective leadership, a leader must have capability to manage a team that could provide maximum productivity and results. The results of a team are dependent upon the control and management of a leader. The leader needs to motivate the team members for hard work in order to achieve better results. An effective leader must lead the team with his or her vision that needs to be aspiring. In this sway, the team members will be inspired by the skills, abilities and knowledge of the leader and they will follow the leader to achieve the best possible results. For successfully leading a team, first it is important to lead myself in a successful leader. The team members should be facilitated by the leader but to a limited extent because too much facilitation will make them dependent upon the leader and they might not carry out the required tasks in the required manner. The flow of information needs to be utilized properly so that the team members remain informed of the updates regarding the project work. Nowadays, information has become abundant that impacts the results and productivity of the teams and the organizations. It also affects the objectives and the methods to achieve those objectives. Therefore, it is the duty of the leader to keep the team members updated regarding the team work and the news or information that might affect the results of the project. A successful leader is considered to be the one who can drive the team in a right direction utilizing the minimum resources of the organization and achieve their objectives successfully.

1B) Coordination and Presentations

The factors of an effective leadership described by me in 1A were presented to my teachers and colleagues by me. The discussion regarding the essential factors that determine successful leadership with them provided me with some wide and thoughtful concepts. I presented my views on leadership with my course facilitator through power point presentation which included the factors that determine an effective and successful leadership. The discussion with the class fellows took place through verbal communication and written notes. I analyzed their suggestions and invest more time on evaluating the important factors that determine an effective and successful leadership.

1C) Readings and Lessons

Some of the key readings that influenced me in changing my old ...
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