Leadership And Organizing

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Leadership And Organizing: Sense making In Action

Leadership And Organizing: Sense making In Action


The paper is based on the article 'Leadership and organizing: sense making in action' article by Pye. The paper discusses the different leadership aspects that modern day leader might have to face, as discussed in the case. Leadership has been defined as "the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for the achievement of group goals." For group is meant a small group, a sector of the organization, organization, etc... Because what matters here is the organizational leadership in the field, from now on use the word "organization" to signify taken as a whole or any section or group who compose it (Bass, 1985).


The issue of leadership has led us from the beginning, since it is an issue that directly affects us and which we can learn a lot. We believe it can be a useful work, because in our professional lives we find many times when you know both theoretical concepts and the views of people about leadership will be essential for proper development of human relations in organizations.

Definition of Leadership

Leadership can be defined in many ways:

As influence, i.e. the art or process of influencing people to voluntarily and enthusiastically strive to achieve group goals. It should encourage people to develop not only the willingness to work but also the desire to do so with zeal and confidence. Leaders help the group to achieve its objectives through maximum utilization of their abilities. They do not stay behind the group pushing or stimulating, but in front of it. Facilitating their development and inspiring organizations to achieve goals .

As interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed through the process of human communication to the achievement of one or several specific objectives, hence we can say that leadership is approached as a social phenomenon that occurs exclusively in social groups. However, the leadership must be based on the relationships between people in a particular social or organizational structure, rather than depending on a number of individual characteristics. Leadership can be understood in two ways (Bass, 1985):

The concept of leadership as a personal quality (special combination of personal characteristics that make an individual a leader).

The concept of leadership as a function (as a result of a distribution of authority to make decisions within a company).This would include the variable-opportunity environment that exists in the leadership, i.e. that the exercise of leadership is conditioned on the opportunity or environment to act as such.

So we could say that the degree to which the individual demonstrates qualities of leadership depends not only on its characteristics (whether innate or learned), but also on the characteristics of the situation in which it is located.

John P. Kotter, is his book (2002), says that leadership is characterized by the following:

Designing a vision of what should be the organization and generate the necessary strategies to accomplish the vision.

Achieve”network" cooperative human resources, which means a group of highly motivated and committed people to ...
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