Leadership And Organizaton

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Leadership and Organizaton

Leadership and Organizaton

Leadership and Organizaton

Attribution Theory

Haider (1958) was the first to suggest a psychological theory of attribution, but Weiner and his colleagues (eg, Jones et al, 1972; Weiner, 1974, 1986) developed a theoretical framework that has become a major research paradigm of social psychology. Haider, discussed what he called "naive" or "common sense" psychology. According to him, people were like amateur scientists trying to understand the behavior of other people, bonding information, until they arrived at a reasonable explanation or reason.

Basic Assumptions and Statement

Attribution theory is concerned with how people interpret events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior. Attribution theory assumes that people are trying to determine why people do what they do. Persons wishing to see why the other person did something may attribute one or several reasons for this behavior. According to Heider a person can make two powers of 1) internal attribution, the conclusion that a person behaves a certain way, because something about the person, for example, relationships, character and personality. 2) external attribution, which concluded that people behave a certain way because of something about the situation, he or she is in.

Favorite Methods

Various methods have been used in the measurement and classification authority. Open-ended methods involve the researcher categorize oral responses of participants in the open-ended questions. Derivative estimation methods require the participant to evaluate his / her cause, for example, success or failure on a 5-point scale of various elements (such as ability or effort) associated with the assignment of dimensions. A direct method of rating (eg, [Benson, 1989), requires a party to the state of his / her reasons for events and then compare these reasons to the point of reference for the assignment size.

Purpose and Scope

Attribution theory has been used to explain differences in motivation between high and low achievers. According to attribution theory, high achievers will approach rather than avoid the problems associated with the following, because I believe that success is associated with high ability and effort, which they believe. The refusal is due to bad luck or poor exam and not their fault. Thus, failure does not affect their self-esteem but success builds pride and confidence. On the other hand, low achievers avoid success-related chores because they tend () to doubt their ability and / or (b) Suppose that success is due to luck or who you know "or other factors beyond their control. Thus, even if successful, it is not so nice, low success, because he / she does not feel responsible, not increase his / her pride and confidence.

2. High Performance Teams

The team of people with complementary skills who are committed to the overall goals, objectives and approach for which they hold themselves mutually responsible and interdependent.

A common goal allows the team to build identity, to give yourself direction. A common goal gives the team identity that transcends the sum of individuals. Common goal of providing stability through change and means of overriding the potentially conflicting agenda of the ...
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