Leadership And New Public Health

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Leadership and New Public Health

Leadership and New Public Health

Factors that I consider as essential for good leadership

Leadership would not be efficient until the issues are correctly addressed. Health systems, after years of ignorance, are now extensively renowned as a key element in the worldwide efforts to make progress in health outcomes for the world's population. Support for health systems growth has developed extremely; it is the most constantly mentioned priority in World Health Organization (Moran, 1992, pp. 475-488).

Genders and Sex play a vital role in identifying a male or female's leadership style. According to the social and cultural construction of the sex roles will create a basic discrimination between a male or women because a man is more hard working in the industry sector as comparative to a women who has to take care of her house and work too. They both have a different kind of linguistic styles if leadership (Leviticus, 2013).

A good leadership is directive, supportive and responsive to an employee's level of development. A good leader must have good communication skills to lead a team or a group of members. A perfect leadership can be formed only by maintaining good relations with its employees and employers. As there is no single leadership style that can be counted as the best but an effective leadership will vary according to the nature of the job or task. A good leader will be aiming to develop a good competence and commitment with its employees to make them self motivated and self confident. A good leader must lead his group with motivation and encouragement to work hard along with good managing skills (Moran, 1992, pp. 475-488).

Delivering a presentation with activities performed by leadership skills

The leadership task can't be done all alone. It is a group activity, so building of effective teams is one of the essential parts. The setup requires each person to behave like a leader and should share equitable information with other team members. Great leadership empowers & motivates the personnel, defines & articulates an idea, construct & promote faith and relationships & motivate workers to accept change (Leviticus, 2013).

On one occasion I played a role of a leader by implementing my leadership skills during a day shift, at High Dependency Unit (HDU), I was working with a nurse-in-charge (NIC), who was new to her team leadership role. A patient, aged 55 female, arrived at the facility in an emergency. According to the patient's family the subject suffers severe abdominal pain since last night. There were no test to confirm the symptoms of the patient's condition and the patient was not in a condition to wait for test results. However, I immediately transferred the patient to ICU for analysis of her condition. The location indicates the possibility of kidney pain, and I assure to make provisions for instant relief. I can relate this experience of mine as task oriented leadership, as I did the needful in required circumstances (Tracy, 2008, ...
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