Leadership And Management In Practice

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Leadership and Management in Practice

Leadership and Management in Practice

Leadership and Management in Practice


There are a number of diversitifed trend in management and leadership. They had to create more effective and creative maangers. They provide programs regarding the competativeness of the organizations. They had identified three meodels of leadership development they are scientific it is also known as managerial and technicist. They depend on training to meet clearly defined targets. Another model was of humanist it is also known as empowerment and persuasive. This model is more people focused. There is transformal interaction between individuals. Another model is known as pragmatic. It is also known as rational and reactive. They have emphased on the individual needs of the group (Bolden, 2007, pp. 1-3).

There is a work of some companies that are remembered forever; same as the case with W.L.Gore and associates. It was established 43 years ago. The name of this exists among 100 beat company work for America. They had provided quality products and solutions as a manufacturer. They also treat customers in highly admirable manner. The company had provided the products and quality solutions to their customers. There was a humble beginning of the company as they have developed the chemical compound polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (Carter. 2002). To accompany the needs of the customer Gore introduced a new family fabric as they have posed new challenges. The fabric is big in the golf market. The fabric can be useful for knitting shirts with the wind stopper. It is closer to the wind but did not stop the skin. It sustains water as it is water proof. These were examples of Gore company products (Daft, 2007, pp.557).

This is a company that does not exist titles. They required the laws of incorporation for that the titles of president and sectary were used. They have to incorporate wide mission of ethics. They have business units for developing such statements. The company belief is based upon ethical practices and operating principles. The illegal practices would not be tolerated in the company (Shipper, pp.2). There is formal management exists in the company. They believed in the individual creativity. They have inducted new people and started noticing their progress. They have begun to assist their colleagues as to gain insight regarding the company. Gore tried to meet their needs. The contributor problems and goals are come under the consideration into Gore management. Gore had informed the employees about the examples of the people working for their company form several years (Shipper, pp.4).

When Bill Gore identified their company structure is unmanaged and unstructured he identified the concept of lattice organization. The characteristics of this structure were the communication takes place between people to the person. There is no fixed assigned authority. There are no bosses, but there are sponsors. The fellowship is defined by the leadership. There are objectives for the person who makes them happen. Through commitments tasks and functions are organized. They have focused on interpersonal interactions, group responsibilities, and self commitment ...
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