Leadership & Management

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Leadership & Management

Leadership & Management


Leadership could be explained in varied perspective, however, it could be simply defined as, an exceptional motivating and pursuading trait in a person that can bring a comprehensive change that could not be possible without him/her. According to theory, the leader cannot be any man, but only one that has a number of inherent personality traits, a set or collection of some psychological qualities. Managgement could be defined as an art according to the theory. Manager could be reffered as an artist whose work is based on his innate talent (Donaldson, 1995, pp.65-91).

Theories of Leadership

There are several scholarly articles that studied the concept of leadership and emphasised on different variables connected to them, and also the effectivess of each of them, the following are some of the leradership theories.

Theories of personality traits

Functional theory

Contingency theory

Interactive theory

Theory of Personality Traits

This theory focuses on the assumption that there is a range of qualities and characteristics that are available in a leader to explain his leadership at some of it as a whole are what might be called leadership qualifications.

Functional Theory

In the opinion of the owners of this theory that all leadership positions that could bear the responsibility regarding the individual and the leader and one which can be performed those functions is determined by several individuals in the light of the goals to be achieved and the nature of the social situation and the characteristics of individuals (Marquis, 2009, pp.96-105).

Contingency Theory

This theory suggests that any leader cannot appear as a leader only if ripe in the surrounding environment favourable conditions for the use of his skill and achieve aspirations, in other words, the appearance of the leader does not depend on the personality traits that owned but on the factors and circumstances related to the position.

Interactive Theory

This is the theory driving the process of interaction between the individual and the leader and the situation, and explain the leadership from the point of view this as the outcome of the interaction between the positions require innovation, creativity and skills among humanitarian able to interact with these situations.


The new paradigm of the environment is associated with globalization, information explosion and the total quality challenge not only to change management and organizational development, but also the entire field of organizational behaviour. First, we can say that organizational behaviour was indeed clearly marked subject of scientific research and has a definite impact on the effectiveness of human resource management in today's complex organizational systems.

The tendency to make an approach to organizational behaviour is more comprehensible and practice-oriented. Now there is some desire to move away from simple answers to complex questions at all levels of analysis - individual, group and organizational (McCown, 1998, pp.165).

The approach of organizational behaviour is aimed at improving the effectiveness of people management. The focus on the practical use should eventually become clearer. Although it is expected some displacement of the conceptual framework and research topics, main line is to make more sophisticated and effective ...
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