Leadership And Followership

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It is very important to understand the core concepts of terms like managers, management, leaders, leadership and followers. Every organization needs managers, leaders and followers. These roles make an organization complete in terms of different aspects. It is also very important to understand the concepts related to these mentioned terms. There are philosophers and scholars who have conducted different studies and experiments in order to provide detailed analysis on these terms. It is essential for both managers and leaders to understand the importance of followers and their trust. Different leaders have different types of followers. It is essential to differentiate between the followers who follow their leaders and those who simply judge their leaders initially. There are different ways with the help of which a leader can gain trust of his followers. Similarly, there are also many leaders who have set some examples which are helpful even today in order to keep a good followership.



It can be noticed that every person is responsible for managing one thing or the other. There are different processes and procedures which are involved in management. Apart from managing different issues, concerns and situations management is all about planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating and leadership (Daft R. L., 2011, p. 6). There many individuals who are good in drafting plans, they can be good planners. Others are good in executing those plans. If a plan is not executed properly it is a simple waste of time and efforts. Management is about managing things, people and processes properly and accurately in order to utilize the resources and provide the best of outcomes. Management mainly deals with internal procedures of the organizations. This is the reason why management is mostly considered as the factor of production. Management and leadership are two concepts which are closely linked by the individuals. In reality the concept of leadership and management differs on some definite grounds.


It is rightly said that leaders are born not created. Leadership is a skill which one has by default. There are many scholars who have defined the concepts of leaders and leadership but the bottom line remained the same in every theory. Leadership is all about setting examples for others to get inspired. Leadership is also about leading people in a direction where an organization or country wants to reach. In totality leaders are more concerned with the visions. They are visionary and that is the reason why follow their hearts to reach to their visions. Leaders are the individuals who are straightforward and very daring when it comes to doing the right things. They do not hesitate to take challenges and form their followers on the basis of their upright character and charismatic personality. Many people have discussed the traits and skills of the leaders but no one can define the set elements that are needed to become a good leader. Most of the traits of a leader resemble to the traits of an efficient manager but even then there are certain factors which ...