Leadership And Executive Advance Development Plan

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Leadership and Executive Advance Development Plan

Leadership and Executive Advance Development Plan


Just think for a moment of the following phrase, “learning for life” is substituting a “Job for life” which is the career model. The bottom line of leadership development plan is how to accept the “learning for life” prototype, and arrive at a reality which works for you development. A leader must have something unique in their characteristics. Your skills at this point must be such that match with the needs of changing circumstances. This is a personal challenges to all leaders, of acclimatize and innovating yourself in return to fundamental changes in work.

Personal Leadership development plan has been defined as a plan which intentional efforts to provide a plan with opportunities to learn, grow and change. In addition to that, leadership development is an effort aimed at providing an opportunity to emerging leaders to produce the skills which necessary needed to function effectively within the organization. In this paper, I am developing my leadership plan in consideration of previous plan's outcomes, which will enable me in having effective leadership.


Previous Plan's Outcomes

I took the observation of my managers, co-workers and direct reports about my leadership behavior and how they perceive my team management and influencing behavior. The observations are based on LPI feedback. It provides a detailed account of the leadership style according to the third person. On interpreting these observations, it was found that others consider me as a person who treats people with dignity and respect, I was rated 9.9 on this area. According to them, I follow through on my promises and commitments and actively listen to diverse points of view. This helps in avoiding the conflict of interest and supports the group cause. Majority of the observers believe that I am capable of developing cooperative relationships and recognize people for shared values. They appraise me for appreciating people and awarding them for their job done (Allio, 2005). Many respondents highly rated my ability to influence others and set examples. According to them, I tend to speak with conviction about the meaning of work and motivate others. In this regard, I am rated 10 by a majority of people. Many of my observers believe that although I seek challenges and opportunities to test my skills but, I need improvement in showing others about how their interest can be realized. They believe I require improvement in risk taking behavior. Since this is one ability of the leaders to take the risk and motivate the team members in doing so. It may achieve greatest outcome (Zenger, 2002).

Similarities and Differences

The similarities in my own reflection of the leadership style and the observations are the following

1.My dedication to working- The observers also highlighted this aspect as one of my exceptional leadership style.

2.My can do attitude as portrayed in LPI through my enthusiasm and challenge taking behavior.

3.The respect and devotion that I intend to have with every employee.

4.My interpersonal relationships with the colleagues that help in team collaboration and conflict ...
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