Leadership And Change

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Leadership and Change




NHS Leadership Framework8

Issues in the Operating Room9

Evaluation of Qualities Skills and Competencies of Leader9



Leadership and Change


This paper will focus on the leadership in healthcare settings, policies in healthcare and evaluation of skills, qualities and competencies of a leader. At present I am working as a team leader in an operating room for National Health Services (NHS). Therefore, the essay will highlight the concerns regarding the operating room and moreover, the aim of this report is to identify an implemented change within my area of practice and aims to critically analyze the change process. The relevant leadership and management theories will be explored together with their impact on team working and Information Technology. The change that I have chosen is the role of Leadership in the healthcare settings. Therefore in order to understand the medical dominance, it is important to understand different processes in healthcare setting, so in this paper, leadership in nursing and healthcare is also highlighted taking in to consideration the transformational role of leadership.


Program management, management services, defensive initiatives safety and quality, and the demand for change within organizations across the system are just some of the areas where I have to look for being at the leadership role in health care where I am currently employed. Where direct safety initiatives and quality improvements are concerned Physicians are required to consider many risk related to management strategies. However, it is also the fact that, the collaboration between nurses and patients in the development of care plans is very limited. The nature of this interaction depends on the condition of the patient and the admission process of patients is also independent which will exclude different members of the medical team. As a result of this exclusion, nurses feel that they are allowed to use their extensive knowledge for patients (Tagger, 1999, pp.899-926). The nursing team is responsible for management of all patients for twenty four hours. Furthermore, the team is also responsible for the assessment of patient risk (Dawes & Ali H, 2005, pp. 3-20), and also suggests that the exclusion of nurses from significant decisions, in a healthcare setting, creates problems for the entire team. As a result of these problems, patients often complain about dual diagnosis as well as appropriate and inappropriate admission.


In the NHS acute healthcare settings are at the forefront of improving health care systems and the leaders in the operating room are essential to support a focus on quality in the health care organizations culture and objectives in improving quality. Transformational leadership, the continued success of the implementation of safer medical care based on the identification, development and participation and also been known that the relationship of the nursing team with the community psychiatric nurses is limited. The introduction of the CAP has created the need to organize supportive conditions for patients. So in in order to bridge the gap, nurses are grouped into ward or community based settings. It is also important to identify the potential of nurses in the ...
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