Leadership & Change

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LEADERSHIP & CHANGE Leadership & Change

Leadership & Change

"Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow."

Vince Lombbardi


Leadership is the process of moving a group of people toward a specific outline and motivates it to work by choice, Successful leadership in the direction of movement of people who achieve their interests in the long run. Leadership role and a process designed to influence others. The leader is the person who occupies a certain rank in the group, and we expect him to perform his work style is consistent with that rank. And the leader is the one who is expected to exercise an influential role in identifying and achieving the goals of the group (Catanzaro, & Marshall, 2010, 649). Secretary and the commander are the one who actually lead, not the person who is manoeuvring to lead the people. Leadership can be defined as the influence exercised through interpersonal communication process, to achieve specified goal or goals. Leadership is a process that develops within the relations between human beings as and when the individual crosses levels in social development: the couple, in groups in the community, in institutions.

It is almost superfluous to point out that all historical processes, philosophical, religious, and political, have been generated or led by leaders. It has been well said that the mission of the leader is to create a Vision, and when the thought of an individual belief grows into the crowd, no one can contain it. In this paper, we will discuss two parts in which initially we are going to discuss my experience as a leader, then we shall be discussing some recommendations to enhance and develop leadership skills. Similarly in the second part of the part will be giving reflection on the change process, than will be giving some recommendations for future development, and lastly there will be a critical review of theories and paradigms.

Task A

Reflection as a Leader

Leaders in all areas of life have distinctive characteristics. One, common to all, is vision. Like many in our time, I am a continual learner on the topic of leadership. I actually consider myself young on the topic, but I am consistently seeking to develop my leadership skills. In this part of the paper, I shall be sharing some of my example as a leader. I deeply respect John Maxwell and coaches like Mike Myatt who I consider high-level leaders to the world. Also, Seth Godin definitely has a unique ability to challenge our current leadership models and thinking patterns.

One of my unique discoveries has been how my role has changed in different seasons. As a young leader in a small role, I was virtually responsible for practically all the leadership decisions and duties. As the organization began to grow we added new employees and began delegating to others. This process allowed me the opportunity to develop a greater focus to my specific skill set. My strongest point in this section is the reality that ...
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