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Leadership: A Life Long Journey

Leadership: A Life Long Journey

In this world, everyone possesses unique identity. An individual may have different ethnic background, race, class, gender and religion. In this regard, due to variation in the relevant background, an individual has different leadership qualities. The leadership qualities depend on the strong or weak background of the person. If a person has brought up in an upstanding family, and got a quality education then he will have different leadership qualities than the person who lacks in these two areas.

We are all distinctive individuals having different personality types. Some are more enthusiastic when it comes to learning different things compared to those who are less competent. However, we are all capable of motivating ourselves to face challenges as well as gaining new experiences for our continued personal development.

In terms of career opportunities, outstanding managers endeavor to improve themselves so as to be ready to face this changing world. They are aware of the significance of continued personal development (Rudolph, 2005).

Continued personal development helps in improving the knowledge that you have. This is mainly because continued personal development is an experience, wherein you can achieve self-awareness as well as self-improvement (Bolden, 2006)

In this paper, I will be discussing my background, leadership qualities which I possess, and leadership qualities which I think I would be able to develop in the future. In addition, I will also highlight the opportunities and threats I can face. The things I want to achieve in my life, my targets.

I am a male 32-year old. I was born in Jamaica in a lower middle class family; I am protestant by Religion, sexually straight. Jamaica has very different culture from the rest of the world. It has musical origination in its grounds. My father was a car mechanic, but my father never stops me from getting a quality ...
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