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Leadership is «the process of moving a group of people toward a specific outline and motivate it to work by choice, Successful leadership in the direction of movement of people who achieve their interests in the long run. This may be a general trend, such as to propagate the Islamic world, or a specific trend, such as a conference dealing with a particular case. Whatever the case, the means and ends must serve the larger interests of the people involved in the present and in the long run.

Leadership role and a process designed to influence the others. The leader is the person who occupies a certain rank in the group and we expect him to perform his work style is consistent with that rank. And the leader is the one who is expected to exercise an influential role in identifying and achieving the goals of the group. Secretary and the commander is the one who actually lead, not the person who is maneuvering to lead the people.

Components of leadership

Many companies recognize the value that can provide effective leadership at all levels. However, few of them recognize the need for a comprehensive approach in leadership development.

There are five components

Communication: Establish the link between leadership development and organizational success.

Accountability: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, starting with the CEO.

Competence: Develop the skills of each key player in the implementation of initiatives.

Alignment: Align the processes and systems to reinforce desired behaviors and outcomes.

Measurement: Provide tools to measure clear desired results.

Difference between emergent and assigned leaders

Some people are leaders due to a formal position or a designation. Leadership that is based on occupying a position within an organization is assigned. Emergent leadership comes from how a group responds to one particular member. Whether an individual is in an assigned leadership role or assumes the leadership role through emergence, he or she is a leader and has certain responsibilities to fulfill.

Assigned leadership is based on being appointed to a position within the organizational structure. Say, you have been in charge of a SEO or web design team within your organization. With time your company decided to launch an affiliate program, and since the higher management deemed you to be the most fit for the job (be it based on your experience with e-Commerce, or familiarity with the current marketing campaigns the company ran online, or anything else), you were been assigned a position of an affiliate program manager

Emergent leadership, on the other hand, is very different in nature. “The person assigned to a leadership position does not always become the real leader in a particular setting.” It is emergent leaders that are most respected and most followed. “this type of leadership is not assigned by position” but rather, “it emerges over a period of time through communication” The key elements here are persistence (it “emerges over a period of time”) and communication. Additionally, personality plays an important role too, but is certainly not ...
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