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Leadership Blog

Leadership Blog

Blog 1: Theories and Models of Leadership and Management

The term Leadership defines about the progress, directing the organization or some of its parts to a new path, being a problem solver, innovative and creative, starting of new programs, making structures of organization, quality improving and influencing human interaction. Management defines the procedure and process of accomplishing tasks and goals by the help and effort of others and focus on the results. A well established and flourishing organization cannot be separated or set apart from its managerial teams or leaders. For an organization to be successful, it should have visionary, far-sighted and creative leaders, who can lead and steer diverse teams in an organization to success.

Different models and theories of leadership and management are available with minor changes in them. These theories comprise of relationship, situational, management, traits and behavioural theories. Starting with the management theories, they are based and rely on the employees' performance and presentation through an award system in the organization. Transactional theory is an example of management theory. Relationship theories are based on the understanding, connection and link between the leaders and their followers. These theories are also known as transformational theories. Traits theories are based on personal characteristics of leaders. Behavioural theories are based and focused on the actions of the leaders. Situational theories suggest and propose the various methods and techniques that are adopted by the leaders in different situations. These theories mainly focus the styles of leadership in different situations. These theories grant the leaders and allow them to guide, empower and motivate a team in order to attain the organizational goals.

The leadership field has just focused on the professed new leadership concept for example transformational leadership (Schlotz, 2009). A large number of organizations are focusing on this new leadership concept i.e. transformational style of leadership. Transformational leadership can be defined as to accomplish the collective goals of the organization by motivating and encouraging the followers to surpass their self-interests. This theory supports Ibarra and Hansen. In this type of leadership, the motivation of the followers is necessary and is reliable on it (Seidman et. al., 2011). However, transactional leadership can be defined as the motivation of the followers to accomplish goals, but in return they are paid with salary or other benefits, meaning that it is a reciprocal relationship (Gardiner, 2006).

There are four features of the transformational leadership i.e. intellectual motivation, individualised influence behaviour, individualised influenced attributed and individualised deliberation. For an organization and its followers to be transformational, the leader should incorporate all these four features. The intellectual motivation allocates the improvement of information which lets the leaders put into practice this method. The concept of individualised deliberation facilitates the leaders to explain and represents their concern for the followers. The individualised influenced attributes follow the concept that leaders motivates the followers for achieving the targeted goals rather than providing them with rewards. Individualised influence behaviour is about the leadership qualities that a leader should develop capabilities in him to become ...
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