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Table of Contents

Leading By Example3



Review of Leadership Styles4

Examples of Leadership7




The component of a leader requires motivation and vision to command authority and has the wisdom to plan, control, and execute these directives in a leadership manner. The writer C. P. Gurnani emphasizes the teamwork that is desired in order to accomplish each goal. He also stresses the ability of the leader to delegate the respective duties and to respect individual freedoms. He must also have the confidence to motivate the under-performers to transform themselves into achievers. The writer also indicates that a leader's duty is to foster a spirit of togetherness to facilitate overall employee growth and happiness in the building of the organization. Overall the leader should deliver results even when the odd seems impossible. Leaders are expected to establish a reputation of honesty and integrity and be reliable in order to lead by example.

Leading By Example


Leadership is one of the key processes of interpersonal and small group development. Leadership is an inevitable element of life in groups and societies alike (Elkin & Inkson, 2000, p. 203; Forsyth, 1999, p 340).

Review of Leadership Styles

The credibility of any leader will suffer if under extreme pressure he acts weak and fails to show true leadership. He or she is required to be at the helm, directing with precision, and take control, enabling calm and order to persist. Employees and subordinates seek direction from the leaders who are assigned to police each organization; the decision he or she makes must be critical and consistent in producing financial results for shareholders and stakeholders alike. The anticipated results should be positive for the benefit of the employee and the organization on a whole. Enormous potential benefits can be derived when advance planning and proper control is executed (Gurnani, 2007).

Ensuring that equality exist across the board can be rather challenging for some leaders. In my organization, careful planning and effective controls are required, to establish long-term unity and satisfaction. My organization is fully unionized, and all benefits and perks are required to be distributed equally and according to seniority. Therefore, in most cases the leaders are just figureheads in overseeing that each delegation is completed according to set standards. Individual rewards cannot be handed out unless they are across the board to ensure fairness. This arrangement may not seem fair, but they were put in place after careful planning by leaders who are chosen to represent employees of this organization. Although each employee of my organization is required to produce up to the best of his or her ability, as each defined quotas must be met, eliminating rewards for individual efforts. In this organization all rewards and incentives are bargained for and distributed evenly according to contract terms.

My recommendation to my organization would be:

Keep your word.

Do not make promises you cannot keep

Do not make commitments to employees you will be unable to honour

Establish a reputation of honesty and integrity

Show empathy

Avoid making excuses

Treat employees equally

Do not play favourites

Avoid being lenient with some and heavy-handed with others

Base decisions ...
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