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In order to conduct this research I am choosing the leadership principle of Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.

Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates

Another way to show your Marines that you are interested in their welfare is to give them the opportunity for professional development. Assigning tasks and delegating the authority to accomplish tasks promotes mutual confidence and respect between the leader and subordinates (Melbourne, 2003). It also encourages the subordinates to exercise initiative and to give wholehearted cooperation in the accomplishment of unit tasks. When you properly delegate authority, you demonstrate faith in your Marines and increase their desire for greater responsibilities. If you fail to delegate authority, you indicate a lack of leadership, and your subordinates may take it to be a lack of trust in their abilities (Eagly, 2000).

“Ability is important, but the ability to discover ability in others and then help them develop it is the true test of leadership.”  L. Rader.

This concept brings us to the ninth principle of leadership, “Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.” Mutual respect and confidence can be developed between a leader and a subordinate by assigning tasks and delegating authority (Cantrell, 2009). When delegating authority, you should show your faith in your unit members to increase their desire for greater responsibility.

Recognize your subordinates' accomplishments when they demonstrate responsibility, resourcefulness, and initiative. Let your subordinates know that honest errors will NOT result in punishment. Instead, use their mistakes for critique and constructive guidance. Always be sure to avoid public criticism or condemnation when correcting the errors of your subordinates. Corrections should be done privately, and never in the presence of personnel whom they command or lead (Melbourne, 2003).

Naval Commander in Chiefs MUST is able to rely on their command staffs to assist him in the day to day tasks of running the Fleet. Such staffs consist on the finest men/women that represent the Fleet on a whole. Without this staff of men/women the Navy simply could not function.

Staff's should be formed as tight-knit families, knowing each other's duties and obligations, and be able to help with them at any given moment (Eagly, 2000). The practice and principle of over-detailed orders should be rejected as subordinate commanders have more up to date and relevant information about the battle and their crews. Such things apart, a subordinate should be given the simplest instructions and objectives, and be ...
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