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Leadership is "the conduct of an individual when he is guiding the activities of a group towards a collective goal". A leader is described as someone who sets supervision in an effort and influences people to pursue that direction. How they establish that direction and influence individuals depends on a variety of factors (Bright 2001).

Leadership is said to be a whole lot and nothing. It is everything because it can be established at all levels in organizations, not just at the summit. Leadership is everything because it is inculcated in all that we do, it is not sacred. All particular behavior has leadership connotations, some more than others. Because leadership is grounded on action, it emerges as a meaning of participation and relations within the organization. Given this explanation, how can leadership be nothing? Leadership is nothing in a way that it seems impossible to characterize completely.

Decades of scientific analysis have yet to yield a single definition that completely captures the nature of leadership, much less express a definitive approach to enhancing it. Perhaps it is impracticable to define leadership in words, but we concur that we know it when we see it (James 2003).

Leaders must acquire the qualities they are trying to integrate into their team. For instance, if you want members to be self-confident, have self-discipline, strength of mind, etc., then you must first possess all these qualities. One of the greatest things you can do is lead by example. You function as an influential role model for your team members and everything you do will be observed. Vince Lombardi says, "Leaders are made, they are not born; and they are made just like anything else has ever been made in this country - by hard work".

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