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The concept of leadership includes many thoughts, images and reflections. This can also include influence, dynamic personality, autocratic behavior, cleverness, kindness, power, followership, charisma, goals, warmth and innovation. There are many definitions of leadership that explore the different dimensions of leadership like leadership is a process in which the agent stimulates the other person so that he can act according to the desired manner. It is an ability which helps the people in the achievement of their goals. The process of leadership requires the use of the interpersonal skills so that the other people can be affected for the accomplishment of the particular goals. The core focus of this paper is to discuss the different aspects related to the development and enhancement of leadership in an organization.

Answer 1

Contribution to the Leadership of the Organization

The contribution that I made towards the leadership of my organization was significant in my opinion. There were several responsibilities that were assigned to me and I had to perform well in the assigned responsibilities and duties that I had to perform. There were two core contributions hat I aimed to make, The first one pointed towards the sustainability and the second one involved the answering and responding to the different problems that were inherited in the management level and employee level of the organization.

Contemporary organizations are no longer limited to managing and maintaining economic, technical and human resources to excel in the market (Aaker, 1991). Today, the planning and development of new features are imposed as a requirement of survival, especially economic. And, a strategy that has been leveraging the quality of organizations, public or private, is the investment in human capital. Thus, to know and seek the coaching process as a transformative potential in improving organizations seeking a competitive advantage and, at the same time, a philosophy of living healthy, safe and sustainable for their talents, can be a fantastic strategy for organizations betting on the potential of professional development as a primary tool for future generations.

Leaders are leaders in sustainability soulful, free and independent individuals, able to combine collectivist spirit, moral strength, passion for what they do and ability to communicate that passion to others. Understand the notion of interdependence between the productive, environmental and social systems, i.e., the best deal are the one that is good for all parties and not just for the company. As purveyors of the culture of sustainability, the leaders must be skilled in conducting necessary changes. So the coach respects and defends the Coaching a trust relationship the trainee providing constant feedback, sharing beliefs and practices with tranquility and security, recognizing that interact and dialogue is one of its main responsibilities of professionals and guide their development, to improve day to day performance for career transitions or leadership roles.

In team development process, “Leader Coach” develops partnership and collusion between employees, for best results in their professional and personal lives, enhancing skills and increasing performances. The idea is to get employees to find strategic solutions using ...
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