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Significance of Leadership Strategies in Different Organization

The strategies or styles of leadership are essential to motivate the employees, implement plans and provide the directions to the workers in order to lead them, as well as the organization towards prosperity. There are various styles or models of leadership. Most of them have proved to be the effective in the past and the current era. With the passage of time, many changes have occurred and massive amount of information and technology has emerged. This change has made alteration in the behaviors and the expectations of the personnel working in the organization.

With the modification in all aspects of the organization, it has become challenging for the leaders in the organization to lead the people.

In the current scenario, organizations used to hire the most qualified person. Such individuals, with high qualification, possess the capabilities to make the most of their knowledge and experiences. For this purpose, such people require the environment which facilitates them the free will to show their sense of responsibility and initiative. In this case, when these people are not allowed for working at what they believe their highest level of aptitude. There is a superior probability that they will lose motivation, and momentum, as well as they can go away leaving the organization. Hence it is necessary for the leaders to comprehend and learn various leading styles, which are effective and adequate for the respective organization in accordance of workers` capabilities (Casse & Claudel, 2011).

Leadership Strategy in Grow VC

Grow VC stands for Grow Venture Community. It is the earliest transparent, global and based on community style plat form. This plat form of the organization is for the investors and entrepreneurs. Grow VC enables great teams and great ideas to get visibility with the right investing support, audience and ...
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