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Working with and Leading People

[Name of the Institute]Working with and Leading People

Task 1

Recruitment Procedures and Actual Selection Pathway Followed

Recruitment could be defined as the art to select the right individual at the right time, at the right place and right position. This entails the importance of recruitment within an organization. With the passage of time, recruitment of individuals has diversified from traditional to modern medium.

Some of the procedures that are to be taken into consideration for the recruitment of Assistant Professor as mentioned by (SJSUF. 2004) are as follows;

Announcement of Position

The foremost step is to announce the position available at The University of Warwick (TUW). This will be done through university's website as well as through local newspapers. This will eventually inform interested assistant professors to apply for the position available at TUW.

Application Process/Review

The applications received are to be screened using the job related criteria as well as on the actual job description. This will allow selecting the most potential candidates for the Assistant Professor position.

Face-to-face Interview

Impartial and fair interviews are to be conducted. This means that diversity will be appreciated, and the recruitment process will focus highly upon Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Only job specific questions will be asked during the interview. This will eventually help in assessing and rating the individuals based on their experience and knowledge regarding the job.

Reference Check

After the interview, the HR manager will personally check the provided references three times. In addition, the HR manager must personally speak with the references before approving the candidate.

Closure and Appointment of Most Potential Candidate

The most suitable applicant will be hired on the basis of experience and the ability to meet the standard criteria (i.e. job description). By selecting the most potential candidate, the interviewed applicants will be notified indicating that the position has been filled.

Impact of Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Consideration

Legal, regulatory and ethical considerations directly impact the recruitment process within an organization. Following is a brief discussion of the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical consideration;

Legal Consideration

Legal considerations restrict the recruitment process from deviation. Legal considerations help in minimizing the risks that could occur in the recruitment process (GO2, 2013). Meeting the legal requirement is critically important. This indicates that the organization must incorporate all the steps essential for recruiting the most feasible individual for the job.

Regulatory Consideration

Regulatory considerations also impact the recruitment process directly. The regulatory considerations limit the organizations from unlawful hiring of individuals on the basis of preference over merit.

Ethical Consideration

The ethical considerations significantly impact the recruitment process. Some of the ethical considerations identified by CVPM (2011) include; choosing the best person for the job on the basis of merit, providing employees with fair treatment and natural justice, and avoiding discriminations.

Roles in Selection Process

Being a part of the selection panel, I was provided with a variety of roles. My foremost role was to establish questions for the interviewer to assess the job-related skills and experience of the applicant. Similarly, I was also responsible to ensure that the selection process was fair ...
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