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Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management


Leadership in the health care settings can be defined as the method through certain objectives is to be achieved. Leadership for high performance can be defined as the process in which a person leads a group of people through certain capabilities. A health care leader is person who has enough potential to deal with the challenges in the emergency and critical situation to give high performance from the group (Plsek & Wilson, 2001, p.746).

Management in the health care setting can be defined as the process of judgement planning, leading, and organising of the events happened in the health care. It can also be defined as the process of utilizing the available resource to utilize high performance from the team (Srivastava, Bartol & Locke, 2006, pp. 1239-1251).

There are various differences between management and leadership regarding the high performance working, which include the control and leadership abilities. Leadership for high performance working is the process of inspiration, praising, asking questions, and helping of the employees. However, management of high performance working is the process of planning, finding barriers, giving directions, and support to the employees (Ashkanasy & Tse, 2000, pp.nd). North-western memorial hospital is considered as one of the well-reputed hospitals in the Unites States of America. NMH has received the rank of 6th Best Medical Hospital in United States of America(Sosik & Godshalk, 2000, pp. 365-390).


Significance of Effective Leadership

Effective leadership is extremely necessary for hospital and high performance working. An effective leader always possesses five major qualities that include motivation, direction, mediation, prioritizing, and evaluation. All these qualities play an effective role in the high performance working of the organization. An effective leader will always utilize the potential of motivation for their employees. Support and motivation will be helpful in increasing the overall performance of the team members. Moreover, motivation will be also beneficial to improve morale, and encourage them for the better outcomes in the hospital settings (Epitropaki & Martin, 2004, p.293).

Managerial level should utilize the effectiveness of motivation for better outcomes regarding high performance working. Another major element that should be present in a leader is direction (Collins & Holton, 2004, pp. 217-248). Effective leader should provide complete guidance to the health care team for better performance. Effective leadership will also improve the efficiency of a team and overall production of the group for their organization. Nurse manager at the North-western memorial hospital have all the capabilities of good leader, and her team is giving effective results int he health care settings (Palmer, Walls, Burgess, & Stough, 2001, pp. 5-10).

Operation and managerial level should provide complete guidance to their employees for high performance. Another major quality of effective leader is mediation (Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, 2000, pp.nd). A leader should mediate the organizational and interpersonal conflicts for better outcomes in health care settings. Prioritizing and evaluation are another two important qualities of effective leaders that will produce a positive impact over the departments. Strategic and operational levels should follow the quality of evaluation to sustain ...
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