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Leadership: Networking and Partnerships

Leadership: Networking and Partnerships


North Bedfordshire Federation

North Bedfordshire Federation is a formal union of four schools which was established during the summer of 2010. It is composed of Sharnbrook Upper School which takes the children between the age range of 13 and 19, and three middle schools namely Lincroft School located in the village of Oakley, Margaret Beaufort middle school located in Riseley and Harrold Priory middle school located in Harrold. These three middle schools take students under the age range of 9 to 13. A single management team comprising of heads and deputies from all the four schools are running this federation (Narrator, post1). A head teacher from sharnbook believed that this federation can become better and provide more benefits to the students by strongly collaborated with its middle feeder schools (Male teacher, post 1).


Policy Autonomy and Accountability

In U.K, autonomy and accountability is related to the evaluation process and external quality control. This issue is seen in many schools. If we look at the accountability of State schools, it just focuses on maintaining the records. If someone comes to inspect the situation of the institute, they just need to show that all records are in the right order. This maintenance of records does not ensure quality learning and quality education (Maya Menon, post 1). The Indian government has introduced an Act due to which schools should follow the rules and regulations described by them. With this interference schools are losing their autonomy and accountability (S. M. Acharya, post 3). The people go for private schools as their policies are autonomous and well accountable. They maintain their own rules and regulations for better education and learning. In Alberta schools have greater autonomy and the parents are satisfied with the policies and accountability.

Leadership and Culture

School principals, heads and leaders have their own cultures. They leadership is affected by regional and cultures. The role of the principal was to make rues that should be followed by all.when Mr. Alexander came; this leadership was changed into collaboration. Now the principal does not make rules without the concerns of other faculty members. (Karriem Gabriels, post 4). Main reason of the schools is to make the students worthy human being. Academics should make the students worthy of doing creative and constructive work. Leadership should reflect such things to make them worthy (Jamiel Alexander, post 19)

Collaborations between Universities and FE colleges

Collaboration between universities and colleges provides students with better opportunities and assessment of a wide range of modules and programs.

Rationale for the Partnership

Partnership is becoming global in UK policy at local, regional, national, and organizational levels. Partnership or collaborations between the universities and colleges raise the strong achievements and benefits within the local area rather just giving benefits to one's own colleges. Collective leadership and multiple players within the organization give more support and satisfaction to the students. Well managed and strong leadership skills can enhance the partnership between universities and colleges. Partnership can facilitate the students in an effective manner (Lumby, 2009, ...
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