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Leadership and Sense-Making

Leadership and Sense-Making


Irrespective of how confident the employees or team members in any organization may be, they will always need a leader to guide them in a direction that is good for both the individuals and the overall organization. In addition, it also essential that the leader takes good timely decisions to deal with the expected changes. However, dealing with every change in advance is impossible. Therefore, most of the sudden unexpected changes can be considered or termed as an Adversity for the leaders. These times of crisis are in fact the identifying and evaluating factor of the abilities, skills, patience and strength of the leader (Beinecke, 2009, pp.4). In other words, it can be said that Sense-making is to be practiced at all costs especially in the times of hardships and crisis. The article by Pye explains and discusses one such case where the CE of an Organization can miss on some of the important aspects of leadership.


The biggest and most common reason behind the downfall of any leader is his greater emphasize on his position as compared to how he really should respond through his position. The article by Pye reflects these aspects through many indirect ways.

Pye's Approach

The article written by Pye mentions and discusses some of the unique ideas and assumptions that use some of the empirical illustrations in order to provide the leader an understanding of the unique concepts of leadership.

The article explains and declares the event when the company decided to respond to the global change under the leadership and supervision of its Chief Executive. Pye using the concept of the Holy Grail in characterizing interest in the leadership refers to the fact that the efforts in research and planning were directed for providing a solution to a wrong problem. Pye explains that in his opinion Leadership is a social influence that is hard to differentiate from other influences with respect to relationships amongst people. However, Pye explained his approach of responding using the focus of leadership on preparing for the future actions in many ways considered as attempts for organizing the future. The events in the articles explain the relationship between leadership sense making. In Pye's opinion, sense making will never be able to replace leadership (Pye, 2005, pp. 33).

Resilience Questioning Put Forth in the Margolis Article

The four basic lenses mentioned in the Margolis article in addition to the questions put forth by him can be used to identify to some extent of the strategy adapted by the CE and his response to the events when the strategy implicated turned out to be a major fiasco. The visualizing, specifying and collaborative questioning would have helped the CE in controlling the adversity, managing its impact on him, reducing the time period of the breath of the crisis and helping him to solve the problem as quickly as possible with his endurance.

In other words, the questioning would have facilitated the CE to first of all identify all the particular questions ...
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