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Theoratical Background4

Leadership theories6

Trait theory6

Behavioral theory7

Contingency theory model8

Transactional and transformational leadership:9

Leadership Semco Case Study10

Leadership styles adopted by Mr. Semler10

Complexity Leadership Theory11

The Change12

Team's Performance13

Achieving Goals13

Motivational Strategy13

Communication Plan14

Conflict Resolution Strategy14

Room for Improvement15

Strategic Leadership15

The 7-S Model of Organizational Alignment16

The Seven Elements16







Shared Values21

John Adair's action-oriented leadership22




Strategic Leadership Framework24

Rationale for the strategic leadership framework25

Effective Leadership26

Charismatic Leadership26

Inspirational Leadership27





There are various forms of the styles of leadership. It is generally that leadership has less to do with the personal needs of the individual and more with the needs of the employees of the organization. It is important to note that it is highly unadvisable to try different styles of leadership; rather the style of leadership should be adaptable to continuously changing environment of the organization as well as the market. In addition to that, different styles of leadership have different approaches. It is generally considered that some people tend to adopt the styles that built within them.

This means that these styles are a part of their nature. On the other hand, some leaders are more adaptable and tend to change their approaches towards leadership and handling of the employees of the organization. There are various forms of leadership styles. This includes visionary leadership, coaching leadership, autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, the affiliative approach as well as other styles and approaches of leadership.

My approach towards leadership is more of a democratic style. I would rather prefer building and reaching a compromise through the participation of other members of the team. This style encourages the participation of other people and their inputs are considered to be relatively important and critical in the process of decision making. In addition to that, this style is also made use of when there is a need to get the intake of the other members of the team or when the leader wants to get everyone to agree on his suggestions and ideas as well as when the leader wants absolute dedication from the other members of the team. My style of leadership has numerous strengths. One of them is that when the employees or the members of the team have a say in the process of decision making, they are more likely to be more committed to the work. In addition to that, when the employees or team members are asked for their suggestions and their ideas on any specific issues or the decision making process as a whole, they would feel more responsible for the work and they would make it their responsibility to get the job done as well (Lewis et.al, 1993).

Theoratical Background

This is because they feel more important to be involved in the process of decision making, which again motivates them and is likely to increase their level of productivity. Apart from this, this style also brings in a lot of ideas and suggestions to the table. This provides the leader with a wider view of the subject and different forms and approaches could be identified and eventually the best one could be ...
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