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Different style of Leadership should adopt by the leader in various situation that is not only depend to attract the followers, but change of leadership style in different circumstances also fruitful for the organization. Employer should have the necessary skill to carry out from the specific task. Delegation for the leadership style should be required to adopt, the leader have guts to adopt a different approach . The clear instruction by the leader to its team members are one of the major key elements to done work gradually developed the skills, participation and style of delegation. Emotional intelligence is one of the key elements for the leader to keep it simple when the team is performing well. Appreciation in the constructive way for reasonable efforts put the team member will helpful for keep their morale high. Open communication with the employees will help for boost up their confidence level and achieving their desire set objectives in minimum time . Leader should have an ability to make clear vision for employees to what they have to achieve. When duties and placement of worker have changed then leader should use his motivational skill . Example which is set by the leader is one the key element for other to follow it and keep moving with the right path.

The business expansion in the international market has relates to contribute organization and their access towards foreign market. For making their entrance towards globalised market corporate leader is analyzing searching for their best opportunities and seeking best opportunities. The guarantee for making an entrance in forcing market can only be take place when leader has global leadership competencies and he have an ability to used properly and effectively. A leadership face the challenge for entered in the global market includes the country's culture, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs. If you succeed to overcome the certain issue then your organization will lift up with a competitive advantage over a competitor.

Cultural difference might be a barrier for the multicultural teams and challenge the affective leadership, global leader is required to understand his role effectively, and he is liable to manage his team in such manner that they have been able to adapt foreign culture makeup which can only be inflamed the through dynamic leadership styles is required. Team work in such manner has play vital role and to feel their responsibility and back up their leader at a ...
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