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Leading and Managing in Organisations (HR and Leadership)


Portfolio Assignment 11

Answer 11

Answer 22

Answer 33

Portfolio Assignment 24

Answer 14

Answer 26

Portfolio Assignment 38

Answer 18

Answer 29

Portfolio Assignment 410

Answer 110

Answer 211


Leading and Managing in Organisations (HR and Leadership)

Portfolio Assignment 1

Answer 1

Communication is an important part of everyone's life. Good inter personal communication skills have become a key requirement everywhere. Communicating supportively is an art and not a science. For supervisors, managers and employees to make sure that their company develops its best ability, they must communicate with each other and customers supportively. This is possible by applying Whetten & Cameron's eight attributes of supportive communication. Each of the attribute of supportive communication make sure communication is enhanced leaving the participants improve by their dialogue rather than frustrated by avoidable misunderstandings. In order to effectively motivate people skills like supportive communication influence self awareness and empowerment might be needed (Whetten & Cameron, 2011, pp. 261 - 280). The managers who are effective built a group of skills that overlap and assist one another and also allow flexibility in management of different situations.

In interpersonal communication, writing and communicating over mails or phone is very important however, for some managers' face to face communication plays an important role. This type of communication dominates all others when it comes to predicting managerial success. Supportive communication is known to be a kind of interpersonal communication that helps one communicate accurately and honestly especially when in a difficult situation without putting the interpersonal relations at risk. It is not that hard to communicate supportively that is showing your confidence and trust when people are performing things as you want them to. However, when it comes to correct someone and when one has to give a negative feedback, than one should communicate in a way that it strengthens the relation which is more difficult and known as supportive communication (Whetten & Cameron, 2011, pp. 261 - 280). It enhances a positive relation between the two persons while delivering a positive or a negative feedback. When a supportive communication is used, it does not only deliver a message accurately but the relation between the two persons is supported as well. While coaching or counseling someone supportive communication is extremely helpful. A poorly handled discussion on the performance of a staff can lead to defensiveness easily and even the clear rejection of any suggestions for improvement.

According to various researchers, firms following supporting interpersonal relations enjoy higher productivity, fast solving of the problems, high quality results and lesser conflicts among the employees or managers. Even when an organisation wants to deliver outstanding customer service it seems almost impossible without a supportive communication. Since customer queries and misunderstanding regularly require supportive communication skills to resolve them (Cameron, 2007, pp. 229 - 272). This type of communication is not only required by managers but they should also teach their subordinates to develop such skills and competency which is important for every organisation.

Answer 2

The four of the eight principles of supportive communication are given below:

Congruence, not Incongruence:

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