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International Leadership

International Leadership


Since globalization, the competition among the organizations has stretched to next level. Companies now not only have to compete against the local companies, but they have to face much stiffer competition from the international giants. The role of leaders has become more demanding than ever. They are responsible for bringing the innovation and creativity in the culture of organization, which help the organization to achieve their long-term objectives (Kim & Van Dyne, 2011). Organizations need to remain aware about the recent trends of the market, and identify the changing needs and wants of their target market in order to remain among the top performing companies. Leaders, in this regard, need to keep themselves updated about the latest technologies that can be adopted by their respective organizations to bring such change in their environment. Furthermore, they are also responsible for identifying the new opportunities in terms of untapped target markets and/or introducing new products to their respective target markets.

It is also of great importance that how the leaders manage to stimulate the change in the culture of organization during the global economic recession. The strategy of adopting creative and innovative ideas and technologies has helped the organizations during such dire circumstances. This paper is intending to identify the role of leaders in domestic as well as international structure of organizations, and also how they differ from each other. Furthermore, it also highlights the role of creativity and innovation in improving the performance of the organization. Then, it will also draw attention towards the utilization of creativity and innovation in bringing the change in the culture of organization. Finally, it will tend to explain the transformation process of employees within the organization, and how leaders help them in exposing to new ideas and business practices.


Companies in this contemporary world are pursuing to expand their business. Many of the big companies have expanded their business to other regions of the world, which represents that they are ready for the international challenges along with that of the local one. For this purpose, they started to make their strategies accordingly. However, there also exist such companies which only work domestically, and focus on providing their own kind of challenge to the big multinational companies (House, 2011). Leaders role have also increased due to the expansion of business. The phenomenon of being a global leader has since been differentiated with that of the domestic leader. There include various factors which distinguish the global leaders from the domestic leaders. Some of the main factors include culture of the organization, administrative and political issues and policies, and economic factors.

Domestic leaders have some limitations when it comes to the factors discussed above. They work within the cultural boundaries of the country where the organization is situated. They have to deal with the limited number of employees. There is no language barrier, which makes the communication process much smoother (Park, 2012). Furthermore, the similar customs and religious backgrounds (in most of the cases) make the role of leaders much ...
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