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Leadership: Theories and Personalities

Leadership: Theories and Personalities



The leaders are the important individuals that help the organisations in developing successfully while fulfilling the respective aims and objectives at the same time. The good leaders are needed at every step of the organisation and needs them to successfully implement their ideas in the business operations. A large number of theories have been carried out in the past that takes into account different leadership theories and analyse them in different perspectives. The past literature on the leadership theories shows that these theories do not agree on a single characteristic important for the leaders in their operations. Instead they see number of characteristics important for the leaders. (Yukl,2004)

Due to different characteristics specified important for the leaders to be successful in their business operations, the academic literature lacks the agreement on a certain characteristic important for the leaders. The theories that have been used in the past literature and underline the characteristics of the leaders are Contingency theory, relationship theory, Trait theory, Behavioural theory, Situational theory, Management theory, and Participative theory, etc. All these theories explain the features of leaders in one way or the other by taking into account certain criteria for the leaders. (Bass,2005)

Some theories explain that the leaders are born and they have in born capabilities to supervise everything in a certain manner. However there are other theories that underlines that the leadership theories can be developed in individuals and that every individual can become a good leader by adopting certain behavioural aspects.

3 Leaders

The three leaders selected to be discussed are Steve Jobs (Apple), Jeff bezos (Amazon), and Confucius (Chinese Legend).

Definition Of Leadership

Leadership is a complex subject. Everyone has an opinion, and new theories (including mine) pop up on bookshelves every day. But, one truth is undeniable, and that is that leadership effort must ultimately be focused on value-creating activities if an organisation is to survive and thrive. (Bennis,2009)

Analysis for Each Leader

Entrepreneurial Leader: Steve Jobs

Leadership Traits,

The “entrepreneurial leader” performs within an official managerial arrangement, but employs the methods generally supposed of an entrepreneur to recognize chances to get benefit. Leading like an entrepreneur requires a different view of leadership. In short, they need to view their jobs through an entrepreneurial lens. Doing so helps them focus their activities on the really important stuff and gives them a solid platform for making the right decisions. Very few managers are ever fired for consistently generating profitable growth, adding new customers, or making the organisation both more effective and efficient. Wearing an entrepreneurial hat also helps managers manage their time, a very difficult thing in today's complex and fast-paced business environment. It is easy to get caught up spending time in non-value-creating activities. Entrepreneurs know that their time is best spent with customers, trying innovative things, and managing cash flow. It isn't spent in worrying about who gets the biggest office, counting paper clips, or sitting in endless internally focused meetings. (Conger,2007)

Personality Of The Leader,

Steve Jobs is one of the greatest ...
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