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Leadership Assignment

Leadership Assignment


In today's rapidly changing business environment it is not easy for people to stick to a single state or change that occurs in organisations. The role of leaders cannot be avoided in not only managing people but also a changing environment. Leadership can be explained as a process that enables leaders to plan, direct, control, coordinate, motivate, inspire and motivate employees in order to achieve results (Northouse, 2009, pp. 18-53). It is important to know that leadership is a broader area and a vital are of study for new people coming to this area. No doubt, leadership has received a widespread attention from various circles and is capable to meet the challenges of modern economy. However, it is an immediate need of time to conduct further research on leadership so that adaptability of this field can be increased to manage emerging business models, maintain organisation's values high and ensure the achievement in the light of organisation's vision. This ability can be developed by allowing leaders to streamline themselves with the values and beliefs of the organisations (Cole & Kelly, 2012, pp. 35-39). In other words, today's dynamic nature of business requires an effective leadership strategy to lead the organisations.


Life Insurance Company of India

Life Insurance Company of India is one of major insurance companies in India that operates as public organisation with over 250 million customers (LICIndia.In, 2012). The company provides insurance solutions to its customer across the India through different insurance products. Life Insurance Company of India like other companies recognises the importance of vision and believes that every organisation should have a clear, well-defined and focused vision. The vision of the Life Insurance Company of India or LIC India is very clear and simple because the company aims to enhance the protection and quality of life of the people in India. In addition, the mission of the company is to provide innovative solutions by using latest technologies and effective strategies (LICIndia.In, 2012). No doubt, company's offerings can be seen as unique solutions in the insurance industry. However, LIC India strives to build better understanding about the needs of their customer so that more customised offers can be introduced.

What kinds of leadership traits and styles have been and are in evidence at the Tanjore Division of LIC, South Zone?

The existing situation of the company suggests that Classical Leadership Style has been the practice of the management of LIC India in its Tanjore division. In fact, classical leadership style explains that management is a systematic process where functions are interrelated in nature (Balakrishnan, 2007). In fact, the essence of classical management theory is found in the beginning of LIC India that also helped the company to achieve economies of scale and develop largest customer base of more than 250 million in the insurance industry. No doubt, company's unique offerings and customised services were major reasons behind this success. It would be fair to say that LIC's management and people sitting at strategic positions in regional offices timely recognised the ...
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