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Leadership and Organizational Behaviour - ASSIGNMENT

[Writer's initials]

Student Name: Certification: I certify that the whole of this work is the result of my individual effort and that all quotations from books, periodicals etc. have been acknowledged.

Student Signature: Date: Student Registration Number: Student email Address: Programme: MBA

Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


The study which is going to be discussed discusses the organization which has a no managerial concept, all it has is the leadership concept, in which every employee play its part to the fullest and on his job description. According to the company running concept, the company treats every employee as a leader and expects the employee to be fair. The company which has been discussed in the case study is the Gore-Tex (Textile) manufacturers, which is a United Kingdom based company which products world renowned high class fabrics inventions in the industrial, leisure, medical and electronic purposes. The company has been renowned for its delivering strategic innovation continuously by turning management principles on their head.

The company has been successful for achieving inversion of principles which were traditionally used in management. The company has no job description, no managers and no bosses like system, and there is no one to tell that what to do and what not to do, rather than this, the company have leaders and associates. However, in traditional companies the employees are usually told what to do and what not to do. This is what Gore has been successful so far, because people has created and chosen their own responsibilities and had made the organization successful so far. The company's perception is based on the employees' contribution and employees are not paid for their job role, rather they are rewarded for making things happen and for their contribution. Now the question arises, that how the company has been successful so far in implementing such unique organizational plan in giving rights to the employees, the founder of the company Bill Gore, from his experience at DuPoint had learnt few principles on which he based the company's leadership and organization behaviours concept that are implemented in company's both operation and local plants, as:

Employees must be fair to each other

There must be freedom to know and get knowledge and responsibility amongst people.

There must be a consulting atmosphere within the company to undertake the actions, so that there are no adverse effects in the company's reputation.

There must be sincerity in making commitment and keeping them.

These are the aforementioned principles in making the company successful/renowned all over the world. The discussions part has its theoretical point of view.


Now let's just talk about what conventional leadership is all about, leadership has always existed, in fact has been innate in the very existence of man and has accompanied him throughout history. We can define leadership as the ability to promote the voluntary monitoring of others, often initiating a change.

The mission of contemporary sociology highlight the important role played by the power given to it and to be the leader, or head over subordinates, as the groups need ...
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