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Leadership across Organizations

Importance of Humility and Compassion

Leadership basically means making followers who are inspired by the work of their leaders and want to work like them and become like them. Humility and compassion are extremely important to become good leaders because these are the two ingredients which make every manager become successful leader. In order to be able to connect to one's employees' leaders always need to have humility in their characters so that they can understand their needs and be better able to take decisions regarding them. Compassion is needed to make the business grow and take tough decisions.

Great Leaders

I think that the qualities of great leaders must include that they make sure that even after they are not there with the company, it success must go on. Leaders must be able to mentor and empower staff in a sense which makes sure that right people are recruited at every place to enhance the company's productivity. The leaders who are egocentric must change their views of measuring success because companies are not suppose to be fall apart when one or two important people leaves. Companies are meant to live and grow forever.

Dangers in Leadership

No, I do not see any dangers in leadership accompanied by humility and compassion. Leaders must have this quality in order to be able to enhance the morale of employees which results in increased efficiency and productivity of the company. Leaders need to be sensitive to the needs of their followers; they must not be strict enough that their employees become scared of them and start hating their work. Leaders have the ability to make people follow them without even forcing them to do so. Leaders are more people focused rather than work focused. They focus on people in order to get the best work done.

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