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Table of Content



PART 011

Contingency Theory4

Transformational Leadership6

PART 029

PART 0314

Models of Leadership20

Tactical Level20

Operational Level21

Strategic Level22





Leadership is about enabling ordinary people to produce extraordinary things in the face of challenge and change and to constantly turn in superior performance to the long-term benefit of all concerned. The following brief wording from many it was not until the early 19th century that leadership as a concept first appeared as a word in the English language. Effective definitions are chosen to describe the difference between management and leadership: 'legitimate power and control vs. empowerment and change'. (Benefield 2000)

The role of Flight Operations Assistants leaders in the global health care environment is continuously moving to new dimensions. No longer is the leader the person who controls the employees. The role of leaders is to act as visionary leaders? who assist employees to plan? organize? lead and control their activities. The development of employees in order to create a learning environment and to emphasize self-management and entrepreneurial behaviour is the responsibility of today's leader-leader. (Antrobus 2009)

Different kinds of leaders will emerge to lead in ways different from those that we have known in the past? because different times and different conditions demand different approaches.


The paper begins with a description of leadership trait theory, a theory that concerns itself solely with leader characteristics. Following this, two theories are reviewed. They are: transactional leadership and contingency approach to leadership. The paper concludes with a look at transformational leadership. Although these leadership theories or models could be considered contingency models, they are addressed separately because of the emphasis that they place on morality and follower development. In compare to focusing on where the association is today and only sustaining the rank quo (the end outcome of transactional leadership)? transformational managers look at where the association should be heading and work out how to handle interior and external change and worker yearns to come to that aim (Avolio? Waldman? & Yammarino? 1991; Pawar & Eastman? 1997; Tichey & Devanna? 1986). Transformational authority is an expansion of transactional authority (Bass & Avolio? 1994). In the area of authority studies? transformational authority has been the idea of alternative for the past some decades (Patterson? 2003; Pawar & Eastman? 1997; Rainey & Watson? 1996). The idea began with Burns (1978)? was amplified by Bass (1985)? and has been farther perfected by Bass and Avolio (1994). As believed by Burns (1978)? the transformational foremost inquires followers to transcend their own selfinterests for the good of the group? organization? or society; to address their long-run yearns to evolve themselves? as are contrary to to their direct needs; and to become more cognizant of what is actually important. The publications reassessed suggests that customary power? drawn from from a leader's place in a bureaucratic? hierarchical structure? is evolving obsolete and that productive managers work from the “inside out” to change their association and employees (Burns? 1978). The job of the transformational foremost is not to make every conclusion inside the organization? but ...
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