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Executive Summary

In this research paper I have highlighted the importance of leadership skill in managing the business affairs. A leader is one who challenges the status quo and produce the best output from scarce resources. In this dynamic environment leaders have to face a number of challenges, the one stand still in front of these challenges and welcome them with open arms are true leaders. In order to highlight those qualities which changes the market norms and patterns I have selected Microsoft's Guru (Bill Gates) and Fed-Ex Success factor (Frederick Smith).

Table of Contents



Basis of Comparison among the Leaders5

Comparison between the Two Business Leaders5






Leaders are people who express themselves completely. By this, we mean that they know themselves, know what their qualities and faults are, and fully deploy those capabilities and compensate for these failures. They also know what they want, why they want it, and how to communicate to others what they want to achieve by their cooperation and support. Finally, they know how to achieve their goals. The key to full self-expression is to understand yourself and the world, and the key to understanding is to learn the life and life situations. People can be leaders in politics or in business, agriculture or at work, in law, education or journalism, religion or affirmative action, or community housing, or any political issue from abortion to the municipal zoo. Its mandate can address issues of community, national or global issues decisions, to an entire industry or profession multinational or a section narrower but deeper of life and work, to a local agency, a youth organization or neighborhood (Engellau, 2004).


Leadership is essential for managers, especially with globalization and the decentralization of decision making of managers in medium and large businesses. This mechanism of globalization meant that the ability to conduct business without having in hand the power to rally and bring people together and direct them to a direction would be almost impossible. The effectiveness of the method used by the leader in a particular situation may vary according to circumstances. Leadership has in common the beauty that recognizes without difficulty, but we can hardly define it. Some define leadership as the function of guide and influence others and lead them to achieve ambitious goals. For others, the leader is a coach that trains individuals to get help from them in performing their duties. All leaders characterize a concern for a purpose guide, a top view. Any person of any age in any circumstance can transform itself. Become the kind of person who is a leader is a supreme act of free will, and if one wills, this must be the way (Grove, 2006).

We have chosen two of the most famous leaders from today's business world, to have a look at their leadership abilities and their efforts I have selected two business tycoons.

Frederick Smith (CEO, Fed-Ex Corporation)

Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

Basis of Comparison among the Leaders




Comparison between the Two Business Leaders

Frederick Smith

Like a Richard Branson, ...
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