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Business leader's approach to leading their organization

Business leader's role is to run business with his followers with best possible roles and responsibilities. In this paper, it has been portrayed leadership of Sir Richard Branson and his leadership personal attributes and leadership styles.

Sir Richard Branson born in United Kingdom in 1950 is amongst one of the most successful, fascinating and lasting entrepreneurial business leaders recently present. He is well known for leading Virgin Group since its foundation. He is very glitzy and vocal leader. He works across his mission of inspiring others who works under him to get their best out of potential in the work for success of company. He has a belief that if individual contributing for the goodness of the company it will benefit all other in the company. His approach to leadership is to extract best out of people and he does it at the top ranking level as well as low ranking level executives. On the other hand, this is also highly encouraged by managers within the company. Another specialty of his leadership style is that he encouraged his employees with high level of autonomy in their work (Carmichael, E., 2008, pp.5). It is his goal to lead by example and guide employees or give direction to their work. After guiding about their work allow them to take control over the situations. This extra bit of freedom given to employees allows them to excel in their work without the need for micromanagement. Sir Richard Branson leadership style and vision for the organization has put him in a place of highly recognition and attention within many management and business discussions all across the world.

'Key' personal attributes

Some of his essential personal attributes that have contributed in his performance includes:

One of the major personality traits founded in Richard Branson was that he was passionate towards task accomplishment.

Another leadership and personality traits is that he has courage over taking risks and initiatives. One of the best example of his courage, is his willingness to take risk is his venture into space tourism with Virgin Galactic.

Another attributes that he has complete insight over situations within his organization.

Other personal attributes includes:

He was friendly and humble personality to deal with his workers.

He has tendency to have fun and joyful working environment with quality of being jolly.

He is a charisma with qualities of taking team together in one uniformity principle.

He tends to be caring and highly involved leader

Leadership Style

Sir Richard Branson possesses charismatic and transformational leadership style. He is relationship-oriented leader. He lies under democratic style of leadership which focuses on involving and encouraging teams to participate in decision making. He is good in aligning people and giving them freedom to take part in decision making and functions within organization. He is good at giving employees emotional support and encouragement. He is regarded to be participative and consultative leader.

He possesses transformational leadership style as it has capability to encourage his employees and enhances their motivation level to get best out of ...
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