
Read Complete Research Material



[Moatasim Shakhtouri]

[Liverpool University]



The leadership theory which we discussed during week 10 of this Module of “Being a Leader” revolves around various concepts (Jackson & Parry, 2007, 97-111). In this assignment we will discuss these concepts in detail, particularly the vital metaphors of leadership with a perspective of critically reflexive practitioner which we learnt during week 1 (Cunliffe, 2004, 28: 407-426).


Metaphors of Leadership

Leadership is not merely science but an art which needs to be acquired through knowledge, skill and experience. Unfortunately these three do not produce good leaders as we have seen through the history. Leadership domain would therefore be incomplete without the metaphors of Ethics and Wisdom. Followers always want to see their leaders as Role Models. We all know that knowledge and skills are easy to learn and practice but experience comes with time as it is usually said “There is no short cut to experience”. Having said that, let us deliberate upon the other two characteristics of good leadership, Ethics and Wisdom.


The ethics of leadership basically comprises of three constituents: i) moral character of the leader, ii) demonstration of ethical values in his behaviour, vision and future programmes, iii) Coordinated actions of leader and his followers in pursuing desired goals and objectives within ethical and social norms of the community(Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999:182). A leader has to lead by setting examples for his followers on ethical front. Americans did not want to see Bill Clinton as their President the moment they came to know about his reported “improper relationship” with Monica Lewinsky and the outcome was Clintons' impeachment. People have not forgotten “Enron Scandal” as yet. Enron was the most Innovative Company of America for six consecutive years but ended up with bankruptcy in 2001 due to accounting fraud of the leaders having unethical approach.


Leadership can not be achieved simply through identifying areas of improvement in the domain of knowledge and skills and working upon them. There comes the role of wisdom which is in fact demonstration of sincere reflective learning of a leader based upon his overall experiences and observations during life and not through case studies with correct or preferred solutions (Grint, 2005, 58(11): 1467-94).

Wisdom empowers him to take appropriate actions and decisions at the right time. This actually depends upon his judgmental habits and capacity building measures with consistent dedicated approach towards achieving desired objectives, either for the country or a corporate group. In other ...
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