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Becoming An Effective Leader

Becoming An Effective Leader


If only the world and its inhabitants were able to find their ways through the designated paths on their own; however, this has certainly not been the case. If even an endeavoured is made to compare the primitive times to the existing modern period, it will be deduced without any hard or arduous comprehension that no matter what era mankind has survived, since its inception, it has always required a ray of right direction and constant guidance. It is even believed to be the nature of mankind that what compel him to thrive and flourish are not only the favourable circumstances, constant craving for success and the astute determination, but also the shrewd and influential guidance by a figure, who is not only believed to be a ray of hope, in the arena of success, but also endures some unexplainable charisma, attraction and influential traits to his personality.

On more practical terms, such a figure is revered as a leader, who acts as a constant ray of hope and guidance, and plays a pivotal role in guiding his followers through the grim and abstruse instances, via his own sheer determination, audaciousness, and the capability of not turning away from the troubles and seeking only success. Only such an inspiring and uncompromising figure can possess the capability of inspiring those who look up to him/her, and deliver the same approach to his/her followers.

It is a common belief and understanding that leaders in this world come in numerous kinds and figures; there are leaders who are destined to lead and guide the entire nation, out of the grim phase towards incessant and never ending prosperity. There are also those kinds of leaders, which may not be chosen by nature to lead the entire nation, but their determination, personality, skills and traits are ideal for guiding an organisation towards the path of growth and success, and grooming their subordinate to take over their role in the near future.

Own Ability to Fulfil the Key Responsibilities of the Leadership Role

Even after so long, the debate still continues that either leaders are born or made. However, in the current times the more inclination is found towards the later notion. Something similar is my belief too. How can it even be deemed that a person was destined to be a leader until unless he/she puts his/her efforts on a test and figures out the roles? As discussed earlier, some are destined to rule, and other are destined to follow, which means that the later category will always require a constant guidance and ray for moving towards their next step and employing respective efforts to attain their objectives in that domain.

Fortunately, I believe that I belong to the category, which tends to test their selves, and prefer to be a ray rather than the shadow to follow. However, it is highly imperative that in order to become a ray rather than a shadow, a person possesses the required skills, ...
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