
Read Complete Research Material





The library of the University of Liverpool was quite helpful in searching for articles on leadership; I came across numerous articles while searching for my topic. Along with that, I also searched on the topic on some of the libraries that contained peer-reviewed articles. Peer-reviewed articles proved to be very helpful in completing the goals of my assignment, as the peer-reviewed articles are published in a journal that is peer reviewed. Means, the articles has been read and criticized my many other authors, who are experts in the field in which the article was written. This procedure is followed by the peer-review articles in order to make sure that the articles that have been published provide a solid scholarly initiative regarding the topic. This is very helpful in the advancement of knowledge in a discipline.



The article that I have selected to analyze is “Leadership”, which is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The article lays a great emphasis on the topic of leadership; the article provides a great insight and knowledge which is strongly based on the theoretical developments. Along with that an empirical research was also conducted in the writing process of this article. The article is very useful as the theories published in the article were off high quality and original, all the factors which contributes very sturdily towards the advancement of the studies relating to leadership. This published journal is global in terms of orientation and focus.

Advanced understanding

This article presents the knowledge regarding the advanced study regarding the experience of leadership and its dynamics in different political, social, economical, technological, along with other relations of the society. This is the fifth volume of the article, however, there have already been four articles published previously on this topic. This journal also presents a strong debate for the changing nature of the leadership, along with that the article also consist of research conducted by the authors to find out the dilemmas, complexities, along with the ambiguities present in the current leadership theories both from the past and the existing theories.

A wide-range approach

This article is one of the best scholarly articles published on the topic of leadership, as it consists of a wide range of studies along with a thorough research, conduct by the authors for the writing of this article. The article presents a cutting edge theory along with different practices concerning leadership in an organization. In this article ...
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