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Leadership Reflection and Interview

Leadership Reflection and Interview

Task 1: Self Reflection


“A leader is a man who makes decisions. Sometimes they turn out right and sometimes then turn out wrong; but either way, he makes them” (Bolden, 2006, Pp. 102).

Leader's vision is not a dream its reality for him that he needs to be done. Team construction and mobilization is headed by an effective leader. A leader through leadership role shows the right and correct path to his or her subordinates. A leader is able to bring any change in an organization/institution (Penny et al, 2010, pp. 46). The leadership is a very old trait, dating back to the pre-historic era. However, there have been few attempts to trace the history of leadership to its earliest manifestations. What can be learned from the hard-wired behaviors of insects, the territorialism of reptiles, the disciplinary schooling of horses, and the social capitalism of chimpanzees? As for the humans, the tribal leaders can be said as the oldest leaders. The leaders were elected on the basis of power and strength as well as fear. There also used to be family leadership. The strongest and the wisest member of the family was automatically the leader of the entire clan. A leader must be able to share their ideas and in turn must understand the ideas of others to guide them. In relationships, most of the differences and disagreements stem from the lack of understanding among people. Communication is a difficult art. Requires more than exchange of ideas, it is also an exchange of feelings, attitudes, emotions (Bolden, 2006, pp. 102).

Leadership Ideas

When I came for my first leadership class, I had some perceptions about leadership which were mainly developed due to my own experience and because of self-study. I believed that leadership was all about leading the employees who work under a leader and to get things done by giving orders to them. After taking the leadership class, my ideas regarding leadership were transformed as the lecture helped me a lot in clearing the misconception I had with regard to the term “leadership”. I learnt that leadership is not just about giving orders and getting the work done by making the people follow you. However, leadership also includes various other factors such as motivating the team members, being a good team player and listening to the problems and the suggestions of the team members with an open mind.

Leadership Goals

My leadership goal as my learning outcome is focus on self-reflection as this will help me in highlighting my strengths and weaknesses and the ways in which I can improve. Moreover, I also aim to develop the self-esteem of my team members and to keep them motivated at all times (Conchie & Rath, 2009).

Steps to achieve measurable outcome

In order to achieve a measurable outcome, the steps that I have taken are mentioned below.

Firstly, I will determine the accomplishments that need to be made. These are the intended results and are expressed as ...
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