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Leadership concept is used in many contexts with an array of meanings. Accordingly, there is a lack of common understanding as to what leadership is and what constitutes a good leadership. Leadership is an important concept for professionals working in different organizations. The leadership takes place in all aspects of an organization, and professionals can influence leadership in the organization and the larger community from any level of an organization.

What are my strengths and weaknesses?

First I will assess myself whether I have the qualities of leader or not. Trait leadership theory is suggests that a number of people have the same quality that they possess from their previous generations and behaviours that make them better fitting to leadership. Trait theories recognize the characteristics and behaviours of people across the globe. It states that leadership is an inborn quality and that leaders cannot be raised.

This theory states that a team can achieve success by working together with a clear vision. They should have the capability to; properly communicate their passion into their work. It also includes the ability to transmit the vision to the team members. I should be clear about what I want to accomplish and what help I need whether it is technical expansion, career growth, objectivity, creativity, connections, etc.

A leader should examine him and should be honest about what you need to keep doing, stop doing, and start doing to get there. There are many strengths and weakness of leaders in I have strength as I can motivate people and convince them easily. I am more result oriented so I believe in getting things completed at time. I am quite organized at work and it should be completed in time. I would focus more on my strengths so that I overcome weakness as my arrogant nature, which is one of the main weaknesses. At first, I was against change but now I believe that change is necessary at organizational level as it brings things to a positive shape.

How do I operate as a manager/leader?

I used to lead before by using coercive power which needs the followers to have faith in the abilities of their leader. They should have that their leader is capable enough to impose the punishment. This power influences the followers to accept that whatever punishment is given by their leader, it is supposed to be correct. It also states that the punishment ...
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