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“A leader is a man who makes decisions. Sometimes they turn out right and sometimes then turn out wrong; but either way, he makes them.” Leaders are everywhere, all around us. They have the leadership qualities which makes them a team leader, or leader of any community, etc. It is important to know what leadership, before going into the details is. Leadership is the ability of a person to deal with the circumstances, occurred in the processes with the strength to manage the people by conducting such behaviour, which seems to inspire for all. Leader is not the boss but the personality which enables you to follow him. The quality to lead others makes the person different. Sometimes the quality is God given and sometimes it got developed through effective methods (Northouse 2009, pp. 36-38). The leaders understand them well and know what they can do. The inspiring capability of the leader determines his capability to work as the one who make people understand him. Leader understands the overall strategies going on and makes people understand how to work on them. The person who has the quality of leadership is not the stagnant one; the trait enables him to pursue growth at every moment. Leaders seek improvement in every work they do. They know when to communicate and when to motivate their followers.

Leadership Perspective

There are different perspectives of leadership. These are mainly the approaches which commonly used for leadership.

Universal Approach Perspective

Universal approach perspective says that if the leader is effective in one situation then he would be effective in any situation plus he has the inborn trait of leadership. Under the conventional approach, we have trait theory and behaviourist theory.

Trait Theory

The researchers found out the similarities between the diverse leaders like Stalin, Gandhi, Hitler, John F. Kennedy, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah etc. The traits include work skills, task motivation, societal skill, general charisma, emotional skill, intelligence but the outcomes were inconclusive.

Behaviourist Theory

When trait theory was not a success as the traits are hard to measure like honesty, loyalty, and integrity cannot be measured. After years of work most prominent studies got conducted by Michigan University and Ohio State University and both the researches got done with that leadership behaviour can be mentioned into two groups. Production centred Behaviour and Employee centred behaviour (Jooste 2004, pp. 217-220). These behaviours got identified by Michigan University. By the name of the conclusion, ...
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