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Leadership as a term coins different concepts in only one word. It not only defines the personality trait of a person but it also defines the need and role of different approaches to get the things done in an effective manner by leading a group of people. An effective leadership mechanism involves set of competencies to influence and drive the actions of people especially when working in a group or as a team leader (Zaccaro, 2001, Pp. 451).


What are my strengths and weaknesses?

I am not afraid of challenging other people affirmations when I am sure I can come with a reasonable reply. Flexibility to handle changes, even if I'm young I had 5 jobs so far and some were in different areas of industry, but I adapted perfectly, being one of the best employee in every job I did. I am very Well Organized, I am Studying a full time course and I also have a full time job which is quite demanding but I am managing to do it all and also completing my other day to day tasks in time fashion. I don't forget to make time to rest and for my hobbies

I have a strong, compulsive need to do things quickly and remove them from my "to do" list, and sometimes the quality of my work suffers as a result. The same need to get things done also causes me stress when I have too many tasks and when the time is pressuring me.

A weakness of mine would be the fact that I get very nervous when speaking in front of other people/groups, I haven't had a lot of experience with this over the past several years, and because of this reason I am not very good with Group presentations. I have fear of rejection, this stopped me from doing many things in life, and it kept me taking my chances, making friends, asking for help when I needed or communicating with other people.

How do I operate as a manager/leader?

Effective communication plays an important role within any organization or workplace there are different ways of communication that consists of a set of messages that convey a sense of each of its members and the organization itself. The mangers of the work unit are responsible for maintaining effective communication in the organization. For example, I am working in the organization so I expect that if I would have ...
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