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Identifying And Developing Leadership Potential

Identifying And Developing Leadership Potential


Managing the organization activities and the people within an appropriate and effective manner is the key to success of any organizations. The responsibility of effective and efficient management lies upon the shoulders of managers and the leaders of an organization. The leadership potential is the ability of the managers to deal with the employees and subordinates in order to get the task accomplished in an efficient manner. The managers and leaders are reqires to identify the specific skills that are potential to the success and growth of the company and are also required to adopt those skills in themselves and are required to develop the plans so that can develop the efficient and active potential in their subordinates for their delivery for better performance.

The development of skills and leadership qualities require the individual to adopt certain management style that can be distinguished based on their management styles.


The identification and the development of leadership potential processes serve many benefits to the companies. These benefits involve the following.

The identification and the development of leadership potential allow the company to find out the potential and appropriate resources that provide the companies with the highest rate of return on the investments. This assists the managers to identify the resources that can be best managed by the employees who have the potential of managing assigned tasks in time.

The identification and the development of leadership potential processes also allows the management system to develop the systems and procedures in order to develop the effective leadership potential in the employees so that the company can achieve its ultimate aim of getting higher profit margins and growths.

The identification processes also allows the management systems of the company to identify the unseen talent among the employees and assists the company in retaining and making better the talents of the employees.

The identification and development of leadership potential allows the companies trains the leaders for the identification of the high and best potential talent.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the departments of the company can be made better and highly productive if the leadership skills are best identified.

The leadership identification process help in reducing the failure chances of the leadership that can have negative impact upon the company's success and competitive advantages in the industry.

According to Nicky D. and Roland P. (2012) the potentiality of the leadership depends upon many factors. Some of the factors are related to the internal environment and are influenced by each other whereas, some of the factors are related to the personality of the leaders that they possess in order to deal with the people and subordinates in the company. The authors have proposed the model that is based on the four quadrants. These four quadrants involve the analytical skills, learning agility, drive, and emergent leadership. The analytical skills of the leaders involve the decision making skills, the ability to take strategic actions, the intellectual factors, and the ability to solve problems ...
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