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Define Leadership and Contrast Leadership and Management

Leadership theory is contributed in several contexts with arrays of meaning. Leadership is the empirical power. Leadership is organizing a group of people and motivating achieving a common goal. Sometimes the terms management and leadership overlap each other. Management is a position, and it could only be achieving positions in an organization. Leaders have the behavioral traits that could be performed without any position. Both the leadership and management require communication skills, collaborative skills, and supportive behavior. Management has some boundaries in the organization, and while leaders enhance their skills at their best without any boundaries (Fiedler, 1967).

Leadership process took position in several phases of organizations, and professional can persuade leadership in organizations. To indulge in leadership or increase and reveal leadership skills, one must not be the CEO or a member of the board of directors. Anyone can engage in leadership through being a committed, engaged, and hard-working member of the organization who is in touch with and acts in line with the organizational purpose and values.

Trait Theories of leadership

This model of leadership is based on the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful leaders. These theories have made according to leaders personal traits, effectiveness, and response to situations. Although there are many traits that make up a strong leader; however, some prominent ones have to be distinguished from the less prominent ones. The most important quality that I must possess is to have exceptional listening skills. Listening to the queries as well as the suggestions of the subordinates is important because this would develop trust with my team members. Moreover, it will also bring new ideas and techniques which can be implemented to bring improvements.

Followed by the listening skills, a leader must also provide performance feedback to the employees. I believe that ...
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